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(1)When did your spirit guide first make you aware of their presense?


I was training with a Medium called Alison Bird, and my spirit guide Jeremkyha stepped forward. He put a hat on my head so that I could sense when he was there. It was the oddest of feelings as it really did feel like I had something planted on the top of my head.


(2)Have there ever been situations where you have been afraid for yourself or others?


During spirit rescues you always have to be on your guard, and totally aware of the energies around you. One of the scariest rescues that I have ever done was a spirit who punched one of the home owners daughters boyfriend in the face. It was so quick, and witnessed by myself, my colleague Medium Steve Furlong, and also the home owners. This poor lad shot backwards with the force of the blow and his nose was split open. It was a very violent spirit attack, and we had to act quickly before the spirit did more damage. So Steve and I had to protect the young man and isolate the spirit before we could start to deal with him. It left us all feeling very shaken and glad that we had so much help and advice from our guides in dealing with the situation.


(3)What about when you saw your first spirit did it scare you and how did you react?

I first started to see animals when I was a youngster. I didn’t realise that other people couldn’t see them at the time, so it didn’t phase me. When I was about 10 or 11 I was waiting for my Aunt to come home from work and I saw a guy called George who lived locally and said hello to him. He asked me what I was doing and I told him that I was waiting for my Aunt. He said to say hello to her for him. I told my Aunt when I saw her and passed on his message – she went very pale but didn’t say anything. It was only years later that I learned that George had actually died the year before I saw him ! It was a strange feeling knowing that and one that I have never forgot.


(4)Do you think everyone has the capacity to teach themselves how to open up to spirit?


Interesting question. Everybody is born with the ability to communicate with spirit, sometimes this gift always stays to the fore, but with the majority it goes away then comes back and we have to learn then how to re-educate ourselves to tune in and to control it. I have found that mostly people want to know how to reconnect in this way, or do not understand their gifts and want to learn how to communicate, but are a little bit lost and so that is where spiritual and psychic teachers come in.


(5)What is your opinion on ghostboxes, as my team has just starting using one with very good results?

Spirit, as you know, are energy, and so energy can be measured and used in many different ways, including, in my opinion with ghost boxes. I have personally had confirmation of spirit communication through sound recordings on a camcorder and tape recorder. In fact whole sentences were clearly heard which we recorded and included in the book that I co-wrote with my ex Sister in Law, Christine Hamlett. ‘A House with Spirit’.


(6)Have you ever seen a spirit you couldnt identify, as a person who had passed over ie elemental?


Yes I have – shape shifters fall into this category and I have dealt with a few of these during the past 19 years of spirit rescue.


(7)If you could make contact with any famous desceased celebrity who would it be and why?


That ones easy – George Harrison, because he is such a beautiful soul (8)Have there ever been times you wished you couldn't see or hear spirit?or.. did you fight it at first? I have always embraced spirit and feel so lucky and privileged to be able to work with them.


(9)What do you spend more time doing, investigating or readings?


It depends whether I am working on the TV Show Rescue Mediums. I have been filming this show since 2005 and we film 2 seasons at a time, which means that I am in Canada for 3 weeks, then home for 2 ½ weeks. This goes on right through the year, and usually means that I am limited to readings as my time has to be focused on the investigations for the show. I had a year and a half off between series 3 and 4 which gave me the opportunity of concentrating on my readings and I have been home now since May of last year as we are again on a break. When I am home I do investigations with Feathers Academy, my business at home, and I also do readings there and teach clairvoyant development and take other psychic and spiritual workshops. I also do workshops in Canada and Spain with my business partner Steve Furlong, which is something that we both love to do .


(10)When i am in a haunted location if i am confronted with the spirit of a child, i always cross them over as no child should be left behind,how do you deal with the spirits of children?


I have dealt with a lot of children in spirit during an investigation, and not all are trapped and in need of help. I have found that in a lot of cases the children are trying to get help for the grown ups that seem to be stuck. In other cases the children like to make their presence known and like to play tricks, and to come and go, just as children would on the earth plane. Of course if the spirit child is trapped and does need help, then I would do everything possible to help them to cross over.



I have been consciously working with spirit in a variety of ways for the past 20 years and I absolutely love my job.  They have led me in some amazing directions and I am truly grateful for their loving guiding wisdom.
I would like to share with you some of weird and wonderful ways that spirit have enriched my life.  Many of you will know me from the tv programme RESCUE MEDIUMS, a show that I have been part of from its creation in 2005 until the present day.  Although I have done spirit release for the last 19 years, working  with my Guides clairvoyantly and through psychic art.  
I have 4 Spirit Guides that I work with, 2 of whom work with me through psychic art, and the styles of the different artists are quite apparent.  Here are some examples of their work.  Some are spirit guides that have been drawn for friends, family, and commissions.  Others shown have been used in episodes of Rescue Mediums.


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